How do I place an order from Optimum Drives?
Our E-commerce website, Optimum Drives, allows you to easily place orders. Additionally, we accept orders via phone, fax, email, and postal email. See our Contact Information for more information.
How long does it usually take for my order to be processed?
The majority of Optimum Drives orders are processed immediately upon receipt. Most orders in the United States of America ship the same business day if placed before 3:30 p.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time), Monday through Sunday. Orders that are in stock are frequently processed within minutes of being placed.
How do I track the status of my order?
Optimum Drives will keep you informed of the order status of your product at all times. You can visit our website at any time, log into your account, and click on the Order Status button. We will send you an update on the status of your order.
Can I change my online order after it has been submitted?
Yes, but only if the order hasn't already been processed (check your order status). To modify your order, please contact our Customer Service Department at Customer Support or call +1 (346) 249-5653
What should I do if I do not receive an email confirmation of my Internet Order?
Please double-check that you have entered your email address correctly. Check any spam filters you may have - they can sometimes filter legitimate emails incorrectly. Another reason you may not have received a confirmation email is that your internet service provider is holding it up. Also, logging into your online order status system is one of the best ways to confirm whether or not your order has been confirmed. If you are unable to locate your Order, please contact our customer service at Customer Support or call +1 (346) 249-5653. You can reach our Customer Support team Monday through Sunday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Which credit cards do Optimum Drives accept?
We accept all major cards including American Express, VISA, Discovery, and MasterCard as payment methods. This method of payment would allow us to verify without delay.
What are the standard payment terms for credit account holders?
The standard payment terms for credit account customers are 30 days from the date of the invoice, except in the case of transactions where different terms are agreed upon in writing. If payment is not received by the due date, interest will be charged daily on the outstanding balance at a rate of 18% per annum for Business Customers and 5% per annum for consumers.
How can your Sales Representative assist me with product packaging in order to obtain product specifications?
You can find answers to all of our products on our websites, which will satisfy all of your questions about the desired product. However, if you do not find an answer to your question about the product specifications on our website, you can contact our Customer Service representatives, who will be able to provide you with an exact answer. You can reach out to a Customer Service Representative by visiting Customer Support or calling +1 (346) 249-5653
Will the price of an item change after I place my order?
We won't change the price until & unless there is a mistake on our website or the product price is changed.
Is there any variation in your prices?
We use a sophisticated electronic interface that constantly scans our distributors for the best current pricing and availability. This is precisely how we can offer the lowest possible prices on our available items. For more information, please visit the Terms and Conditions at Optimum Drives to fully understand our policy.
Will you let me know if any items are on backorder?
If you order an item that is out of stock, we will notify you of the backorder status and pitch you the alternate products/items that are available at the time.
What happens if my back-ordered item is no longer available?
We will notify you in that case. We will notify you that your back-ordered item is no longer available. In addition, we will make every effort to locate an alternative product for you. If we are unable to replace your back-ordered item with another product, your order will be canceled.
How will I know when my back-ordered items will be ready?
Optimum Drives provides the most recent delivery information as supplied by our vendors. Most items will display an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for each back-ordered product. However, some of our vendors do not provide ETAs, so we provide our customers with the best delivery estimates under those conditions. Furthermore, you can use the list to keep track of out-of-stock items before purchasing the product. You can also request to be notified by email when items are back in stock so that you can purchase them when it is convenient for you.
How do I find out if a product is out of stock?
If an item is out of stock, our website will display a 'Call for Price' label, and you can call our customer Sales Representative to place your order on backorder.
When will my in-stock order be processed?
The vast majority of in-stock orders are filled within minutes of being placed. We have the best combination of offering the best products at the lowest prices while also providing the fastest service in the industry.
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